Primary 1 - Some obscure DJ who likes primary colors and making semi-uncomfortable/weird tunes that are infectious... I'll start you off with a no-friggin brainer... The Shoes, two scruffy looking hipsters from France (aha!) give P1 the remix treatment, throw some computer automated voices, a falsetto in the corus, a couple synthesizers and a nice baseline and you have a the perfect feel good summertime jam!
THE SHOES Rework for PRIMARY 1 "Hold me down" by THE SHOES
Download link: Primary 1 - Hold Me - http://www.box.net/shared/ucap5n66gp
Onto the next... caveat: slightly weirder because its a purer strain of P1, although not totally uncomfortable because this is P1 giving an Alex Metric jam the remixover...
It Starts- Alex Metric (Primary 1 Cover) by Primary 1
Last, but DEFINATELY not Least is Chilly Gonzalez with a track that I couldn't help but share. The downloadable Chilly Rap version is awesome, albeit crude is thoroughly enjoyable. Unfortunately not safe for younger audiences or the more refined listener.
Chilly Gonzales - Never Stop by Big Dog Media
Download Link: http://www.box.net/shared/ztb7hdv98c
Chilly is new to my world but is one of those artist who has always been behind the scenes makin things happen for years. Classically trained in piano, this producer/writer/artist was the main contributor to Feist's album The Reminder (Highly Recommentded), which went gangbusters and has a number of other credits including collabs with Erol Alkan and Boys Noize...
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